Saturday, June 28, 2008

Be Aware!

I thought if I just didn't write about it maybe it would all go away but at least I think we've actually solved something. As many of you know, for a month now I have had horrible knee pain, even to the point where I could barely even walk. Doctors visits, x-rays and later an MRI showed nothing. I was left with taking tons of pain meds and going to physical therepy 2x a week just hoping it would get better. However, for the past 2 weeks I've been feeling absolutely exhausted, week, dizzy spells, headaches, irritable, etc. Kylee has been asking, "When is mom ever going to be better?" and has tried hard to comfort me at times when I begin to break down. We have been quite the scene at Hershey Park as Sky pushes me in a wheelchair with Kylee on my lap and Lexi in the backpack. Anyway, I know I should get to the point. After more blood work this week it looks like I probably have Lyme's Disease. Sooooo BE AWARE...I had no rash, no bulls eye, haven't been in the woods, don't ever walk in long grass and just hope my kids don't show up with a tick on them. Dude, I'm shocked!!! I know I should be happy to have an answer, but can't believe we've gone through what we have for a month now to discover that it is probably Lyme's. I hope the antibiotics kick in fast and can clear this mess up. It has been one crazy year of health issues for me but I have definitely learned not to take my health for granted. Every healthy day I have I've learned to cherish. The simple joys of just running up and down the street with Kylee or pushing the girls in a stroller are activities I am even more thankful for now. I have to put a late Happy Father's Day in for Skylar who continues to be amazing through all of this. Wow, am I happy to have a husband that understands all the medical lingo and can explain many things in terms that I can maybe begin to understand. It has come in very handy over the past year. He has been awesome picking up all of the slack lately and being Mr. Mom. I love watching him play with the girls and he truly is one of Kylee's best playmates. They have non-stop energy together................Anyway, beware of LYME"S!!!!!!!!

Monday, June 16, 2008

The Kylee Girl

I tried to post this on Kylee's Birthday but it just wasn't done in time. I've been down memory lane the last week looking at tons and tons of pictures. I don't know if this whole digital camera thing is the best situation for me since I have more pictures than I know what to do with and each little expression is great, so how do you erase any of them? This is a little montage of Kylee growing up so far. She loves watching these little videos and enjoys hearing the stories of what we were doing in each picture. Sky and I can't believe how fast she is growing up and feel privledged to be her parents. A few things have stayed pretty constant over the 4 years. Her great smile and laugh, her energy and always wondering what is next in terms of entertainment and thrill seeking, her desire to take care of or be concerned for others (i.e. all animals, creepy crawlers, babies, or anyone crying) and her constant love for life! It is neat seeing all she has learned in just 4 years!

Some of Kylee's Latest enjoyable Moments that make me laugh
- "Playing Primary" she sets up her own Primary at home with all my visual aides and does a dang good job imitating me from singing time or her teachers (Educational as I sit on the side listening in and hearing how much she actually remembers or is learning)
- Already starting to enjoy the love scenes in movies (a new favorite is lion king 2 when they sing to each other). Our first of many mommy daughter nights was last month watching "Enchanted" and she was hooked every minute. My side kick for chick flicks is in the making
- Still enjoys taking care of her babies (all 5 of them) good old me provided duplicates from my lovely garage sales so we would have plenty when friends come over to play but she is able to provide enough love for all of them as she has formed her own parking lot in her room with strollers and carseats. They each apparently belong to a certain one and go in a certain spot.
- Tickle wars and wrestling with Daddy which Lexi has now become a part of. Is there anything better than a little kids laugh?
- Planning out the schedule. She has always been very organized and loves to tell us the order of the next several things that are going to happen. "Ok guys, I have an idea..."

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Happy 4th Birthday Kylee!

My little girl turned 4 today and I'm an emotional reck. I feel like she is growing up way to fast and I often wonder if I am capturing and enjoying every moment enough. I am thankful for all my Kylee girl has taught me over the past 4 years and very proud to be her mother. Her precious smile brings joy to me everyday and carrying on conversations with her is often like talking with another adult. We pulled off her "Wild Wacky Water Birthday Party" today! She has been counting down the days for weeks now and had the hardest time even making it till 2:00 today. Skylar and I stayed busy entertaining our crew of 10 girls with over 100 water balloons, slip and slide, kiddie pool, squirt guns, etc.! I never knew how fast you could burn through 150 water balloons! The tossing back and forth and catching wasn't going so well!

Kylee loved opening presents of course and got some great things. Several items even had to go to bed with her tonight! The party was a success and we are glad everyone was able to make it. One of Kylee's favorite things to do is hang out with her friends and she sure has a great group of them. I have tons to say but am just exhausted so stayed tuned. I hope to put a little montage of Kylee's 4 years up as soon as I fined time to finish it. HAPPY BIRTHDAY KYLEE!!!!! We love you sooooooooooo much and are thankful for everything you bring into our family.