Sunday, June 27, 2010


Music from ARF has kinda pushed the Disney music a side by a little!!!! Kylee on June 2nd was in a Kindergarten/1st grade performance called ARF. Each class dressed up as a different dog and they put on a little musical/play. It was absolutely darling and the songs were so clever.
Kylee's class dressed up as darling poodles and of course she was the cutest one in the bunch :)!!!!!!!
Our little Kylee refused having a speaking part and when I asked her why she replied, "You'd be scared too having to speak in front of all those people." I guess I can't blame her but as parents we worry about how shy/nervous she is when we feel she is so talented and want her to be exposed to as many things as possible:) This little situation got worse as she also let us know that she didn't want us inviting anyone to come see would make her too nervous. When she found out Grandma would still be in town for it that through her over the top. I tried several things to explain how this is just fun, a great experience, there are tons of you singing, you know every song and to just chill out. What seemed to do the trick is when I kinda frustratedly explained, guess what, "Almost everyone there isn't coming to see YOU!" Their eyes will be on the person they know. Wow, the lightbulb went off and we became excited...and had a great time getting ready...with big smiles through the entire thing. You could tell she loved being a part of such a cool performance and was happy to have her little cheering section. She did amazing and we loved watching our little girl!
The music teacher at her school is wonderful and we are glad we got to go to Baker -Butler this year. The kids sounded terrific! Kylee felt special and sang great.
Kylee, Mrs. Welborn her teacher and a good friend in her class Lara. I find myself singing these songs all the time but that is probably because Lexi gets them stuck in my head. After seeing the performance only twice and listening to Ky at times practice she has picked almost every single one up and is the cutest thing singing them. She got into each performance as she clapped, danced in the aisle and even sang along a little. She greeted Ky with the biggest hug and had a blast waving to her from the audience.

Photo and video editing at

The following week I joined in the fun helping out at Field Day. I love how excited these young kids get for everything. Kylee has had a wonderful year of kindergarten and an amazing teacher that she connected with right from the start who we will deeply miss. My worry for all day kindergarten was put to rest as once we adjusted she was excited for school most days. I can't believe how much she has grown and matured over the year. She is so excited to not be called, "a little kindergartener" anymore by the older kids. Bring on first grade. She is nervous to change schools and have to meet new friends as she made so many great ones here but that is what I keep reminding her. You did it here and can do it again. I hope she can handle more work as when asked what her favorite part of the day is....she replies, "RECESS!"

She also finished up another year of GYMNASTICS and is thrilled to have another trophy....long awaited all year. She thought it was pretty neat that everything ended around the same time. I explained that is so everyone can enjoy bring on our first true Summer break! Alexis is exstatic having her home every morning. I'm loving the time together and cuddling in bed as we get a break from rushing to be ready by 7:20. However, I'm already running out of ideas for entertainment as this girl has always wanted something constantly going on.


Darcie said...

Good Job Kylee!
I always get emotional when I watch a kid performance like that, do you?
I think as a Mom it is a very proud moment and you can't believe how big they actually are.

Laura said...

Yes, Kylee is for sure the cutest of the bunch. Way to go Kylee on all your accomplishments! You made a darling little poodle too!

Lindsay said...

What a cutie! It seems like you all had a great experience living there!!

Lexie said...

Seriously, can you believe it is all done? I know Kylee will do a great job at her new school as a big 1st grader next year!

Brooke said...

I can't believe we will have first graders! I think you were telling me that Kylee already did all day kindergarten. Was that hard on you? First grade will be an adjustment for me since this will be Hailee's first year going to school all day. I love looking at all of your pictures. Your girls are so cute!

Kelly Evanson said...

a little gymnast!!! how fun